


PRODUCT & SERVICES : Association


On November 16 2020, the Association of Indonesian Industrial Automation Engineering Experts (PMATOII) was established as an Industrial Automation Association which was established based on Notarial Deed Number 8 dated November 16 2020 by Notary H. Sukito, SH., MH., M.KN. And ratified by the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with Number AHU-0012739.ah.01.07. 2020.

This Professional Organization consists of Professional Technical Personnel who have experience working in the field of Industrial Automation and Consultants in the field of Industrial Automation as well as Teaching Personnel, Lecturers, Teachers and Instructors who are Professional and have expertise in the field of Industrial Automation and have work experience in the field of Automation Industry minimum 5 years, who is called and has commitment and integrity.


CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A MEETING : https://yes.iiga.one/D9FZI8

Manufacturer of Educational And Teaching Aids And Laborator Instruments


PRODUCT & SERVICES : Manufacturer of Educational And Teaching Aids And Laborator Instruments


Pudak is the name of a type of flower that smells very fragrant and generally grows on the island of Java.

Pudak Scientific was founded in 1978 in Bandung. Bandung is a diverse and conducive city, and is home to various types of heavy and light industry, quality public schools, well-known universities and also research institutions which ultimately create superior human resources.

Since the beginning, Pudak Scientific has had the aim of becoming a trusted partner in the field of educational equipment. We develop, produce and distribute various types of educational teaching aids products for educational levels ranging from Elementary Schools, Middle Schools and Vocational Schools to Universities and other higher education institutions.

Occupying an area of ​​3.2 hectares and a building area of ​​12,000m2 for administrative activities, production facilities, warehouse and R&D department, our 1000 staff and experts combined with modern production and management techniques produce quality products at competitive prices.


CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A MEETING : https://yes.iiga.one/D9FZI8

Competency Certification


PRODUCT & SERVICES : Competency Certification


THE INDONESIAN ELECTRICITY ENGINEERING EXPERTS ASSOCIATION (IATKI), was formed based on a "declaration" submitted by 72 stakeholders on August 1 2000 at the Santika Hotel, Bandung. The presence of these parties in Bandung was in order to take part in the Electrical Power Systems Seminar I in the West Hall of ITB on 1 - 3 August 2000. The parties were experts consisting of practitioners from government, state-owned and private agencies as well as academic scholars involved in the field electricity. As a follow-up to the declaration of the formation of the organization mentioned above, on September 4 2000, 11 people represented various institutions in the electricity sector, namely Prof. Dr. Soedjana Sapii, Dr. Ir. Luluk Sumiarso, Ir. Anton Soetijoko Wahjosoedibjo, DR. Ir. Djoko Darwanto, Prof. DR. Ir. Gibson Sianipar, Ir. Yusuf Setiawan, Ir. Kasman Hutabarat, Dr. Ir. Suwarno, Ir. Agus Pranoto, Ir. Puguh Sugiharto, acting as the founder of the Organization, signed the Deed of Establishment of IATKI before a Notary with Deed Number 10 dated 4 September 2000. Then, on 27 November 2001, the Organization as an Association was also recorded in State Gazette No. 95 Sheets 1694.


CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A MEETING : https://yes.iiga.one/D9FZI8

Engineering Solutions

COMPANY : Cahaya Bintang Engineering

PRODUCT & SERVICES : Engineering Solutions


CBEN was established in 1992, in Cimahi City, West Java. Until now, it has served many Manufacturing, Electricity and Ship Industries.

Namely product and engineering services that always prioritize innovation and technology so that they become efficient and effective solutions, building and maintaining systems that are safe, reliable and environmentally friendly.

Engineering service products are currently very important to produce efficient and effective systems, so the need for planning and design is very critical and precise, both for development solutions and system maintenance solutions.


CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A MEETING : https://yes.iiga.one/D9FZI8