
Industry 4.0


PRODUCT & SERVICES : Industry 4.0


The Center for Digital Industry 4.0 (PIDI 4.0) is a government agency part of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency which is under the Ministry of Industry. PIDI 4.0 was built to help industry in Indonesia transform towards industry 4.0.

PIDI 4.0 is part of one of the national priority programs, Making Indonesia 4.0 which was launched by Mr. President Jokowi in 2018. Through Making Indonesia 4.0, Indonesia has the potential to become a country in the world's top 10 economies by 2030. To realize this ideal, PIDI 4.0 was built with the vision "to be a one-stop solution for the adoption of industry 4.0 in Indonesia and become Indonesia 4.0 window for the world."

PIDI 4.0 has a central building located in Permata Hijau, South Jakarta which stands on an area of ​​12,957m2 with a building area of ​​~17,600 m2. This building was designed to apply the smart building concept as part of the overall implementation of technology. This smart building concept gives PIDI 4.0 the ability to manage buildings more efficiently and in control, especially in terms of security, energy use and facility utilization.

BOOTH : PIDI 4.0 Pavilion

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